Friday, January 23, 2009

Vietnamese recipes to celebrate TET?

Vietnamese TET is upon us and although I thought we'd have a little child home to celebrate it with... that wasn't to be this year. Next year we will do a celebration to celebrate the Vietnamese New Year and I hope we will go to a larger center like Ottawa or Toronto to enjoy it with other families with Vietnamese children.

I got thinking though... there is no reason not to start celebrating this year. We are very 'close' and Vietnam (and our baby) is always on our minds. There is no better time than right now to start introducing Keaton and Chloe to this new and important holiday we will be embracing. Of course, my children are also huge fans of Asian cuisine and the chance to sample some authentic Vietnamese food is right up their alley.

So... my question is: do you have any favourite Vietnamese recipes that you have made at home and would recommend? We have a few favourite Vietnamese restaurants and I will probably cheat and pick up some spring rolls (mmm!) but I want to learn to make some VN dishes. I'll probably do up a spread for Sunday night... hockey games permitting.

I'd love any suggestions, links to recipes you've tried or heard great things about.

ps: do you like my new music playlist? :)


Jules and Danny said...

Love the playlist... haven't tried cooking Vietnamese yet, although we do have a cookbook. Gotta try that soon.
Happy Tet celebrations!

Julie and Dean said...

You definitely will have your little one for next Tet!
I am the worst cook ever so vietnamese spring rolls are about as crazy as I get, but i do love them!