Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy news

We got an email this morning that we are now #1 on the wait list.
We are over the moon excited.
I realize it could still be a while before we get 'the call' but this is wonderful news.
I am so thankful!

I just told Keaton, who is up and getting ready for school, that we are #1 and the next call will be for our little girl. He is so excited! He says he is going to go and tell all his friends at school that we are next.
Chloe is still sleeping so no excitement from her yet about this.

We are #1. Holy Wow! Holy Cow!
Please pray that our call comes soon, I'm sure now everytime the phone rings I will be jumping out of my skin.


Michelle said...

AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!!! OMG, You will be checking your emails every few minutes and I will be checking your blog every few minutes. I am soooooooooooo excited for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! this is SO VERY exciting!! i am absolutley thrilled for you guys!

your time is coming...and soon!! feels kind of surreal, dosn't it?!

KellyG said...

I'm SOOO excited for you!!! What an absolutely wonderful email to wake up to this morning!!!! You're in my thoughts and prayers!!

Anonymous said...

yay!!!!! So happy for you guys!

Ange said...

That is such great news. You're NEXT!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING NEWS!!!! I'm so excited for you I can hardly stand it. It won't be long now...I can feel it. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

That is just fantastic! What a way to start the you really won't be sleeping.


Samantha said...


Jules and Danny said...

Hurray, hurray, hurray... your time is coming!

Who needs a blog? I'm sure we'll all hear the scream.


Renee said...

oMGGGGGGGG we are both #1 at the same time- what in the world are we going to do????? holy cow, Les- I am freaking out for you guys!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!! yaay!!!!!!!! You better put my number on speed dial, girl!!!

Christine said...

That is amazing news! I am so excited for your family! At our next dinner you may have pictures to show!!!!

Rhonda said...

Fantastic news!

Dawn said...


Leigh said...

Excellent! How exciting! This is one of the best parts of the process. I can't wait to follow your journey!


Kelly said...

YEAH!!!! I am so ready for you guys to get your news. Hopefully that will be very very soon.

Tara said...

I'm gonna CRY for you I am so excited! I SWEAR, I was JUST talking about you yesterday....


beckarecka said...

So exciting!I hope it is soon! Yay!!!!

Catherine said...

WOW!!! SO excited for you!!!!! Praying your call comes very soon and that the wait to travel is not long after that.

Cannot wait to celebrate your referral!!!!!!!!!!!!

KelleyO said...

I did not realize that adoptions between Canada and VN were stil open. I am so happy for you and all the kids. Wow you made my day!!! Thanks for the comment on my blog.

bluefairy said...

How wonderful for you guys! Hope the referral and travel happen soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm so late in this, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is SO Exciting. How thrilling to know that the next child will be yours. I hope your wait from here on out is short!