Saturday, January 31, 2009


Okay, I'm much more environmentally aware than I was as a new mom 8 years ago. We used disposable diapers and I am still considering doing this with the new baby because quite frankly... this momma doesn't like messing with laundry or most especially poopy laundry.

My friend Renee put me on to these gdiapers though and I'm definetly intrigued. I'm not sure if they are available in Ontario or if this is a US product only that I'd have to order online... I'd have to look into that. But after watching the videos it certainly seems doable for every day use. I would still keep some disposable's on hand for out for the day or travel trips.

So, opinions welcome. You all have been so helpful with all your advice and experience. Do you use any type of non-disposable diaper? ...and if so, what kind? I'm interested in the pros and cons (be honest!) so I'm sure I will stick with this after making the investment in the diapers.

Does it cost much more than regular old Pampers?

I like the idea of composting or flushing the liners!

I guess I'd stay on top of my laundry pile this way!



amy w. said...

We looked into doing the baby G's as well (I'm due in about 7 weeks) but we figured they would end up costing us more than disposible diapers. We would LOVE to be more earth friendly, but unfortuntely with 3 other kids and husband in school it's just not in the cards for us this time. If we could afford it, I would be 100% in.

Christine said...

Hey Leslie! If you go on the G diaper website it will list places in Ontario that sell them. Call the places first because we had a hard time finding places that had enough, or more than the starter kit. That is the main reason why we never ended up using them.
We use Pampers Cruisers which are terrific, never any leaks.
You can also look into the 7th Generation ones.

Jenna said...

I've heard great things about g-diapers. We used "bum genius" cloth diapers for Ella and they were awesome. They cleaned up really well in our washing machine...but she eventually got too chubby and they didn't fit under her jeans :) We decided to go with Nature Baby disposables...they are completely biodegradable. I tried 7th Generation but they leaked for Ella...really bad and then I was later told they aren't actually biodegradable, which most of us assummed they would be.

Happy diaper shopping!