Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just for the record...


I'd use the word hate but I'm always reminding my children that hate is a bad word, so I'd better just say I detest painting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

I am painting our kitchen stools. I am painting them RED. Yes, RED. I wish someone had told me ahead of time that painting anything RED will make you want to pull every single hair out of your head. I was just starting to love the colour RED, and now... I think I detest it along with painting.

I will never paint anything RED again.

Rant over. Must go get the paint out of my hair.

ps: I'm still not finished. It needs another coat. PUKE.

If and when I ever finish these stupid red stools, I will take a photo for your viewing pleasure. Next time, I won't buy them unless they are already the colour I like.


angie said...

i am sure it is a pain...but i am sure it will look fabulous!

can't wait to see pics!

Kristin said...

I completely understand! I painted a chest of drawers red, and it took SIX coats...what a pain!

Good luck...

Amanda said...

I feel your pain - red is my favorite accent color, all throughout my house. Can't wait to see a pic of the finished product!

Anonymous said...

we painted Aislin's room red- never again, i said! haha, i know what you are talking about!

Anonymous said...

I bet they will look great! Good luck!