Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Follow up

A follow up on this Health care for children born outside of Canada 'issue' has now been covered by the Ottawa Citizen and I hear the Globe and Mail is working on a story as well.

Seems different stories are coming from the Ontario government vs our federal government. I really hope what they say is true and that this mess was just an oversight and things will be corrected soon, for the sake of the children.

Keep sending in your emails and phone calls, they seem to maybe be working!

I love my country, I'm so proud to be a Canadian. I am happy that our voices can be heard and our government is going to do what is best for all the Ontario families affected by this oversight.


Renee said...

Les, I hope this is just an oversight because that just sucks!!!! Keep us updated, ok?

Samantha said...

I was happy with the publicity (and expected clarification) generated by the Ottawa article, but a little annoyed by the reference to "3 families" as there have been more than 3 - like, for example, us! I'm sure this will be straightened out soon, especially as there seem to be only 1 or 2 OHIP offices that are interpreting things this way. Which doesn't help Donna and Brad... how unfortunate for them.