Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Canadians adopting from Vietnam

My country counter on my side bar informs me that I've had 1304 Canadian visitors since I put the counter on a couple months ago. But most of my comments come from my (wonderful) American bloggy friends I've met and who's blogs I read.

I would love to 'meet' more Canadians adopting from Vietnam also, our process seems very different than the US system and I have still not met many adopting families that live in my area of Ontario.

I would love for you to come out of lurkdom, fellow Canucks... just for a second to say hi :) Where do you live and have you already adopted or are you in the process, waiting like us? Do you have a blog?... I'd love to read some Canadian adoption blogs if they are out there somewhere. Right now I have 3 bookmarked/bloglined... Bev, J, and Ange's, I'd love to add some more.


Rhonda said...

Yoo-hoo, just popping out of the woodwork.

I think the next GTAWM dinner is probably the day before Mother's Day (or at least that's when it was last year).

bluefairy said...

Hi Leslie,

I'm here in the Ottawa area....


B said...

I agree with Rhonda and there better be some Vietnamese baby photos's to share around or I might very well need a ride home...cause I will be drinking!

Jules and Danny said...

B drinking???? I don't think I've seen that since university... or at least her 30th birthday.

We know there are other Canadians adopting out there... maybe know we'll get a chance to meet some of them...


Anonymous said...

Hi - My wife and I are in Vancouver. Our dossier is in Vietnam and we are tentatively hopeful we may receive our referral by the end of the summer.

Leslie & Shaune said...

Darren, are you with TDH? we have a yahoo group if you are interested. let me know.
