Thursday, April 30, 2009

No news

...and I slowly go insane.

I can say that this last part of the wait has been the most difficult of all the waiting we've done in the past 2+ years. I know we are in the home stretch and that sometime (I hope) this month... our time to be with Meg will arrive.

What is so hard right now is waiting for the ellusive 'travel date'. Once I know it (even though I guess it could change even after we have it) we can start counting down. Until then it seems like all we are doing is a lot of addition... adding on more and more days to the 'estimated' time of travel. I really thought with Meg so sick that somehow we'd be on a plane by May 1st at the latest. I was wrong. Maybe now we are shooting for mid May at the earliest and late May most likely. UGH UGH UGH.

We are still waiting on another update on Meg. She was probably going to be released from the hospital this week into her nounou's care - but I don't know at this point if that has happened yet. I am assured she is recovering and they will not release her until she is all better. She is in good hands... I just want her to be with me at this point. Soon hopefully!

I decided to make a list today of all the things we 'should try' and get done before we leave. This list includes such things as opening our pool, getting the flower gardens prettied up, cleaning the house top to bottom (boo!), painting Meg's dresser white, applying for Blue Cross for in Vietnam (can't do that til we have an actual travel date), etc etc.... so we do have lots to keep us busy - still, I'd rather drop it all and GO.

Pray for soon please.


Christine said...

Meg and your family are in our prayers!
I hope that you hear something realllllll soon!
Keep busy and keep checking things off of your list!

Julie and Dean said...

The agony. I can read it in your words. I know it is difficult. The good news, once you are home with Meg you will barely remember the pain of waiting.
Good news soon, good news soon...

Tara said...

Prayers for soon....


Anonymous said...

When we waited, some official got sick. And we didn't know if she was sick with a cold, or dying sick. She had to officiate our G&R. It was the longest three week wait of our lives. I was sure the adoption would fall through. I was sure of every bad case scenario.

It does resolve. So will your wait. I am thinking of you.

Gina said...

Yes, yes, yes. Keep your hands and mind busy, Leslie. Without a doubt this is the hardest part of your whole wait especially since your little Meg has been so sick. I thought I'd lose my mind waiting and 'doing addition'. Praying for soon over here.

Meagan said...

I finally did some (long overdue) reading of your blog. I cannot believe what you have been going through - looking at your photos of Meg, Paul and I felt nostalgic about our hopes of Vietnam. But as he says our path was chosen for us, as your was for you. I am so thrilled that your time is near and that Meg is feeling better. She will be in your arms in no time at all (although I know how time must be dragging for you right now). We are praying for you all and we cannot wait to read about YOUR happy ending. Hang in there the end is near - or should I say the "beginning" is near. hugs to you!

Meagan said...

I finally got some spare time to sit down and catch up on some important reading (aka your blog). I am so thrilled your referral finally came through and your travel date is days away. Meg is beautiful (great name by the way - lol!) and strong. The perfect addition to your family I am sure. It was a hell of a journey for you, and your happy ending is near - or should I say your "happy beginning" is near. I could not be happier for you. Paul and I felt a little nostalgic this morning reading your blog. Brought us back to our Vietnam journey - but alas it was not meant to be for us - our path was chosen, as was yours. WE like to believe we have so much power in our lives - but really the fate gods are constantly at work. So glad you found eachother. SHE IS PERFECT! Congratulations!!!

Sandra & Steve said...

Hoping you get there sooner in May rather than later! Sending positive thoughts your way!