Thursday, April 9, 2009


I've been madly searching for simple little summer outfits for Meg, romper style clothes that are one-piece and super easy and comfy for her to wear. Today, I bumped in to this cutie pie seahorse romper at Old N@vy - cheap and cute... gotta like that!

It is starting to hit me that we could be leaving for Vietnam in 3-5 wks time (please no longer than that!) and I have VERY little prepared for her. I think you just get more relaxed with each child and I've been 'around the block' 2x before and am hoping I remember how to do it all. I know that what we actually "need" is much less than all the things we as new parents (again) want for our girl. So, the crib has yet to be set up because we know she will be in our bed for the first weeks home. Then if she is still very small, we will use a bassinet maybe - it all depends on how young she may or may not be when she is back home with us.

I have my stroller and am still deciding whether to buy the infant carrier carseat that clicks right into my stroller. She is only 9lbs 7oz so it 's not like she will be out of it a month after she gets home... and it makes shopping with the stroller and getting around in the city so much easier - I will probably cave and buy one.

What else??? Hmmm, well - all her clothes I've purchased have mostly been 6+mo. Well, that aint gonna work so great on a 10 lb little gal. So, I'm starting to buy some things in size 3-6 mo (which she may still be swimming in) and then I will buy her some clothes at the market in Saigon once we get to hold her and figure out what size she'll take. FUN!

So, I wish we had a day to count down to. Having to wait while Meg is sick has been difficult. I worry about her but know they are giving her good care and that her nanny is kind and loving to her. I hope that in the next couple weeks we will get a firm idea on when we will travel. Our agency director is going to Vietnam next week and will probably have a better idea after that. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that Meg will be with us soon.


Samantha said...

Here I am to contradict you AGAIN - I'm glad you met me and know that I am not really a difficult person.

We too thought the boys would be in bed with us at first, and were actually looking forward to it as it is so good for attachment. We got cheapo second-hand cribs because we didn't think they would use them - personally I wanted them with us until they graduated to toddler beds. However since they were not used to that they would have none of it and screamed like banshees every time we tried. They had been in hammocks in the Baby House, so in Vietnam we had to rock the cribs to get them to sleep. When we got home we got rocking cradles, (which they outgrew in about an hour - only good to 18 lbs) and after a week they started sleeping in their cribs without "rocking" (more like shaking). They still seem terrified of our bed!

Now, I'm sure dear little Meggie will take to the drop-ins immediately, have just one sweet poop per day, and cuddle in your arms from night one. I am just telling you our experiences so you will know how special she is!

Ellie said...

I'm hoping you get to travel very soon. Waiting to have Meg in your arms, worrying while she has been ill, is so very hard.

Kelli said...

Aiden was 6 1/2 months and 15 pounds when I brought him home. The one thing I regret is not buying an infant carrier seat. My friend in my travel group had a 10 pound baby. Definitely take some 3-6 month, maybe even 0-3 with the tags on. I was surpised that the 3-6 month clothes fit Aiden better than the 6 month stuff. And make sure you hit the embroidery shops in Saigon to get some adorable dresses!!!

Renee said...

We should be traveling in 6 weeks- yipes! I still can't believe we are going to have our girls home for the summer!! We have the crib ready- but no diapers, and hardly any clothes or anything else- we need to get busy, too! Love the seahorse outfit.. just went into Target today and they had some cute little comfy outfits like that.