Sunday, October 21, 2007

It was a success

...our halloween party, that is. I posted a bunch of photos on our family blog for anyone interested in the mayhem we call Halloween kiddie party! There were a ton of children there, they all got a long and were happy. I say that is a success!

(ps: our family blog is listed on the right, it is the top link called "Live it".)

Also, we collected so many beautiful clothing sets for the babies in the orphanages. I looked through them all when we got home and there was a good mix of boy and girl outfits and all of them were really cute! Thank you to all my friends!

A really fun party that reminded me of her and how I hope she can be a part of this annual tradition by next year. Something she will grow to look forward to year after year, just as her brother and sister do.


Julie said...

What a fun family tradition!! That was a great idea to incorporate a clothing drive for the orphanages too!

Tara said...

Totally unrelated to this post: how do you get the music playing in the back ground? It's super cool!