The donations have been very appreciated here in Vietnam. We were able to bring 2 very large suitcases full of essentials for the children of the orphanages including medications, educational toys, clothing, etc. One suitcase went to Vung Tau 2 and the other we gave to another orphanage that was in much need here. We also had the chance to hand out candy, pencils, balls and some older 'toys' to the older children at the orphanages of Vung Tau 2 and Vung Tau 3. They were so appreciative and excited! Another big thank you to so many generous family, friends and even strangers who donated to these children. You all made a difference and it was an experience we will never forget.
A wonderful group of family and friends at home also donated cash for us to bring to Vietnam and buy essentials for the children here. Originally it was going to go to Meg's orphanage - Vung Tau 2 but after touring Vung Tau 3 (another orphanage our agency works with)we decided that we wanted the cash to go towards buying items needed by the children here. The orphanage is quite run down and seemed to be the most in need of the essentials to help the kids there do well. Loan took the cash (we changed it into 5.6 million Vietnamese Dong and that buys a lot here in Vietnam) and did some major shopping with it. She was able to take our $350+ in cash donations and buy things like diapers and formula, noodle soup, etc for the babies and young children. Loan also had a wonderful idea: to buy all the text books the older kids would need for attending school this coming year. I absolutely love that 1/2 of the $ went to these beautiful older children who are schooled within the orphanage and help a lot with the babies and the day-to-day work around the place. Loan provided me with a Thank you letter that goes out to the following: The Aubertins, The Morins, Sheri Whyte, The Fabris, The church women of Tara's church in New Brunswick Canada, The Couplands, The Marshalls, and The Glenn family.
God Bless!
Wow! Such generous and warm hearted individuals that gave so much to these beautiful children. Leslie, you're an inspiration for pulling this all together.
That is so wonderful to here. Thank you for doing so much good while you are in VN!
Congratulations on your G&R ceremony!!!
OH I am SO happy. THANKS so much for posting made my heart skip a beat of joy!!! Big Smiles!!!
matt has been thinking of shaune and wondering how his health is. tell shaune, that the damp weather here at home has been difficult for matt as well... so maybe he would have endured some of the same issues here.
ben and kman tell me that you look great les... is it the hahahah! if so, bring me back some, kay!
enjoy your last few days... and on the sleeping issue... georgia was pretty similar... lots of 30 minute catnaps through the day, which my sister and i found a bit tiring. but she has been a great napper since she hit around 8 months... kerri
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