Monday, June 22, 2009

Good news

...late coming but good news just the same. Our paperwork left Hanoi and hopefully arrives tomorrow in Vung Tau so we can have our Giving and Recieving Ceremony. If it arrives on time tomorrow, we will have our ceremony on this Wednesday. If it isn't there on time to proceed for Wednesday, we will have it apparently on this Friday with another couple from Quebec, Canada.

From there we have to apply for Vietnamese and Canadian passports and hope like heck it all happens a lot quicker than this first step did. Please send good vibes our way, as we'd love to get home soon.

Too tired to add photos or talk about our day... so I'll do that tomorrow sometime.



LJW said...

Yay!! Fingers crossed that everything goes smooth. They can do your Cdn passport in a week but you need to show your return ticket to speed them up. It seems like they prioritize it according to your return flight.
Enjoy the rest of your time in VN. Today it's as hot here as over there.
I can see the changes in Meg already from the pics on the previous posts. Her cute cheeks are starting to fill out.
L,D and D

Becky said...

Yeah I'm glad things are finally moving. Hope things go quickly and you are home soon.

B said...


Like I said earlier...4 business days from my embassy appointment to passport receipt (there was a weekend in there). You will be home before you know it!

Ange said...

fingers crossed!

Diana said...

ya!! hoping everything goes well and quick!! So we can all meet sweet Meg!!

Brian & Nicole said...

Excellent news! Fingers crossed for G & R on Wednesday and then a speedy paperwork process.

Renee said...


Carol said...

Great news! Hope you will be able to come home soon. I'm sure your kids miss you.


Jules and Danny said...

Bring it on, bring it on! Wednesday would be great... praying it happens soon!

Anonymous said...

That's fantaastic!! One step closer to home.
