Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy mail day...

We finally got our fingerprints back in the mail today. So... we can now finish up our homestudy - that was all we were waiting on. Hoping our social worker can whip it all together quick so we can start our dossier!!!!!!!!


Catherine said...

Oh yah! If anyone can do it quickly for you, Sal can!

Thanks for the update!

Fingerprints: check! :o)

bluefairy said...

I'm glad to hear everything is coming along...and your fingerprints are back, we got ours done about 2 weeks ago, so I'm glad to hear yours didn't take too long...the company that did ours said it could take up to 3 months so I've been silently trying to keep my self calm...and I'm elated to hear that you've moved from the waiting list to the actual list (awesome!)

Take care and keep posting!


Ange said...

Glad to hear that you can move forward with your dossier.