Sunday, September 28, 2008

What to say, What to say?

Ya, I have nothing to say. Sorry, nothing to report.

I have been a bit MIA from this blog lately because I have nothing positive or good to say. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer and that is where I am in my head at times right now. We've heard nothing and as far as I know we are still sitting at #3 or #4 on the list. My emails are going unanswered (probably b/c there is nothing good to report) so I am just going to have to sit this out and continue to be patient and hopeful. I keep telling myself "It has to happen sooner or later"... we are most definetly into the 'later' part of the equation so we sit tight and know that this wait of all waits has to come to good things soon.

And... if one more telemarketer calls my home I am going to lose it on them. The phone rings, the glimmer of hope that it is 'the call' sets in... I rush to the phone and then it is a telemarketer telling me I've won a trip to Bahamas (ya right!) or wanting to save me $ on my credit card interest - and inside I rage silently at them. One of these days - pop... I'm gonna blow. I loath telemarketing!

All things baby have been set aside for months now. I can't bear looking at baby clothes (i've quit buying a baby outfit each month that our dtv anniversary goes past) or baby stuff... I guess when we finally do get 'the call'... we will have to hussle to be ready for her. I think that will be a good thing though to keep us busy while we wait for travel. So, life continues on and is wonderful at home. We silently wish for our family of five, but are very happy and thankful now for our family of four. It will happen and I've just got to leave it at that. If I think about it too much I start to obsess. Obsessive mommy = super freak. So I'm trying not to go there anymore :)


Jules and Danny said...

Thankfully you can sign up for the no call from telemarketers in just a few more days... then at least your heart won't jump with each phone ring...
As for keeping your head in a positive space, you can do it... and don't beat yourself up on the days when you're feeling bad... it's okay.
You will hold your little girl in your arms one day, and it will be sooo worth it!
Know you continue to be in the prayers and thoughts of many.

B said...

There is a "no call" campaign for telemarketing in Ontario right now. Some sort of gov. level no call list. I think it starts this week actually. I'm going to find you the address to sign yourself up. It is the least I can do.