Sunday, September 14, 2008

Things just got busier

Keaton (after much hard work during try-outs the past 2 wks) found out today that he made the Novice Rep Team. We are really proud of him and how hard he tries when he is out on the ice. He is becoming quite the little hockey player! He was happy to make the Rep team although I'm not sure he 100% understands what that means. Mostly he just wanted to be sure he was on his friend Cameron's team, and that he'd get to play hockey lots.

Looks like if I wanted something more to keep me even busier and to keep my mind off the wait... I just got it. Congrats Keaton - you rock!


Anonymous said...

yaaaaaah k-man... can't wait to come and cheer you on.... yah, that'll be "auntie" kerri yelling in the stands.... more cowbell!

Tara said...

what IS "rep" hockey? (we have nothing like that in NB - at least around here or what we know about)

what's the difference between this and regular hockey?

i'm really curious to know....