Saturday, June 7, 2008

This weekend...

Well, for starters our basement got 'very wet' a few nights ago and we are dealing with throwing out pretty much everything that got soaked. There was a huge thunderstorm and we didn't know that our sump pump had quit working. So... the next morning when Keaton went down to the basement he called up to me "Umm, Mom - the basement is looking kinda wet". Understatement.

The temps are high and it is going to be one hot weekend. We are enjoying the pool and are headed to a friends tonight for supper. Looking forward to that.

Between floating in the pool, gardening and cleaning up this mess of a wet basement - we should have a busy weekend :) Some fun, some not.

I looked at the ticker at the top of our blog and see we are now at 14 months since we signed on to adopt from Vietnam. Crazy how time marches on. In some ways it doesn't feel that long ago but in other ways it really feels like it has been forever. I know for the kids it feels like it is not going to happen... or that it is something we talk about but that doesn't seem like it will happen. It is teaching us all about patience.

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