We've reached a special spot in this journey. On Friday evening we finished our homestudy. Yahoo. On Monday our social worker will forward our homestudy with his recommends to our agency, who will in turn send it to the Ministry. Then we wait for Ministry approval before forwarding our dossier on to Vietnam.
On Thursday I mailed our paperwork for our dossier to our agency. So... now all the waiting begins. It seems weird that we accomplished so much so quickly. We made our final decision on adopting from Vietnam in April and completed all 4 homestudy appointments from May - beginning of July. The dossier was pretty easy to compile and hopefully everything will continue to roll along.
I find I'm thinking of our daughter in Vietnam more and more now, it is consuming my thoughts at times. Is she already born? So many things to think about. I'm suffering from a bad case of insomnia lately and I think alot of it is due to all these things racing through my mind in the quiet times of night.
Our family has lots to keep us busy while we wait including family reunions, holidays, a trip to DisneyWorld and a Disney cruise, etc. I think it is best to keep as busy as possible. And we are very good at keeping busy around here.
The photo above is a snapshot of our Vietnam applications, etc before I put them in our envelope to mail off on Thursday. :)